Adult ADHD Nearly Doubles Over Last Decade


Editorial Team
  • 3 minute read

Adult ADHD Nearly Doubles Over Last Decade

Originally published at

Does it take forever to start a project… or finish it for that matter? Are you frequently forgetful, late or disorganized? Is it difficult to sit still, pay attention or stay focused in meetings? As adults, too often we attribute these bad habits to having a full plate of responsibilities, when in fact, they may be subtle symptoms of a very real neurological disorder.

A study published in the Journal Open Network by the American Medical Association reveals a near doubling of the rates of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) among adults in the U.S. over the past 10 years. Researchers believe the uptick in adult ADHD diagnoses to be attributable to an increased recognition of symptoms by doctors as well as increased public awareness. Of significance are findings that adults with ADHD were more likely to experience depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety or eating issues, as well as higher rates of health care use and sexually transmitted infections.

ADHD in adulthood can often be traced back to the childhood years where symptoms likely went undetected, dismissed as bad behavior, or the individual discovered coping mechanisms to compensate for symptoms. In adults especially, an ADHD diagnosis can easily be missed due to the aforementioned comorbid health conditions. Left unaddressed, adults with ADHD can face problems in the workplace, marital stress and financial problems.

ADHD is not a behavioral disorder, rather it is a neurobiological disorder characterized by chronic dysregulation in the brain that triggers symptoms that can affect behavior. Stimulant medications are often prescribed to manage ADHD symptoms, helping to increase attention and decrease problematic behaviors, so long as the medications are faithfully taken. In addition to compliance concerns, many ADHD drugs produce unwanted side effects that can negatively impact quality of life. Individuals who experience sleep disturbances, headaches, stomachaches and other common side effects of ADHD meds often are unable to deal with their severity and ultimately discontinue their use, allowing symptoms to return.

Neurofeedback therapy is an effective, non-pharmacological approach that can help to retrain dysregulated brain-wave patterns that underlie ADHD into normal patterns to help overcome symptoms. A QEEG brain map is the best approach to pinpointing the areas of the brain that are experiencing dysfunction and can help provide a road map for healing.

If life has become overwhelming and your feelings, habits and/or behaviors are hindering your success or impeding relationships, contact New Life Wellness Center to schedule a “Q” to discover whether ADHD is the source of your challenges. 631.265.1223.

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